With the technological development, new information consumption habits arise, as well as content creation needs and multiple ways to deliver the messages to the target audience. At GMT Consulting, we identify opportunities and define the best strategies to help clients communicate better, in such a way that is more adapted to clients goals.
GMT Consulting´s team has a vast experience with the media, knowing its operating mechanisms and the best ways to establish win-win relations of mutual trust with professionals within the sector. We establish communication bridges between our clients and relevant media, generalist or sectorial, by using instruments such as the elaboration of press releases, organization of media conferences, interviews and press packs.
We create communication bridges between our clients and the reference media, generalist or sectoral, using instruments such as the preparation of press releases, organization of press conferences, interviews and information dossiersThe high speed of information and the multiplicity of platforms in which information spreads puts often the reputation of companies and institutions at risk. At GMT Consulting, we propose a preventive work identifying vulnerabilities and reacting strategies to control it as well as crisis management.
The development of solid relations with public and private institutions is key for a successful corporate project. GMT Consulting supports the relationship of its clients with the most diverse stakeholders, opening communication channels and building bridges that allow the establishment of strong and lasting relations.
The presence at media outlets, on social media or digital platforms is fundamental for the public and media recognition. At GMT Consulting, we organize training modules with a theoretical and practical component which allow our clients to acquire skills in order to act better in the communication universe, either in media events (interviews / journalistic reporting) or public events (conferences / public presentations / speeches).
The speed of digital innovation and its specificities are the current big challenge of communication. GMT Consulting develops digital communication strategies for web platforms, social media and mobile devices that contribute to the positioning and reputation of its clients.